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Fencing Book and DVD Library

The rules of the HFC Library are as follows-


-The borrower must be a fully paid up member of HFC (you have paid your current session club fee, £40, £25 or £20)

-There will be a deposit of cash, £5.00 for books and £10.00 for DVD`s, refunded on return.

-One book or DVD at a time.

-One month max time to borrow.

-As the books/DVD`s will not be kept at the club please email Mike Ellis details of what you want to borrow who will advise you of the availability.

-Mike will advise when he will bring to the club. You sign for it in the HFC library book, give Mike the cash deposit which he will refund to you on the return of the item borrowed.

-Mike will keep the HFC library book as a record of what is available and who has what.

To arrange to borrow an item please email: 

Items available to borrow

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